Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Sailing with Jolla

I received my Jolla yesterday. It looks sleek, unique and cool. I did pre-order it on May 20th, so there has been a long waiting period and high hopes. Social Media has been full with teasers of the new phone throughout the whole summer and autumn.

 It takes a while to get used to Sailfish OS, but all settings can be found easily and you can have tons of individual settings for your phone. Some of the features needs to be googled in order to find out what to do. The user guide is not the best one.

Jolla store has the “main” applications available and I did not (yet) create a Yandex account. That needs to be explored later on. All Android apps should work on the device, but I have not tried to figure out how to get them all up and running.

 My problem with Jolla is that, I have gone Google. Both at work and in the private life. I need the native Gmail, Google Calendar, Plus, Hangouts and Google Authenticator application. Without those I cannot work. I have been using Android for three years now and also had an iPhone for the past 1,5 years. On those OS these applications work fine.

 I got my Google account run on Jolla. Contacts were synchronized easily and connection to Gmail was enabled via IMAP. So 90's. ;) here was a Outlook App available for Sailfish, but not yet for Gmail. The push functionality is needed in today's hectic life.

I will definitely give Jolla a new try later on. I like the phone, just need to get all needed apps running on the OS. As of now, it is not the one for me.

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