Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Turn the page -100 days challenge

With the New Year comes the much needed change. For a longer time I have been thinking about the ways to get myself to exercise more. I am not too large, but could easily loose a couple of kilos and enjoy life more and be more active. 

My target is to loose 10% of my body weight within the next 100 days. At the same time my body fat percentage should be 20% at the end of the period. The target is quite ambitious, but I still think it should be doable.

1. Writing up the weight each morning, just like Urho Kekkonen did.
2. Drinking a glass of water with each cup of coffee (beer and wine). And actually at any given occasion. :)

3. No more junk food. More healthier lunches and dinners. I am really bad for eating in the morning, but I will have some kind of breakfast each day,

4. Exercise more outdoors. That is plain and simple. Not just for being fitter, the fresh air does really good

As there is no snow in Helsinki yet, cross-country skiing will be added to the agenda at some latter point. But I will take part at the Winter Run on the 7th March. 5 km to be done. Luckily +Neila Rey has the perfect program for that. 5K, here I come! :)

5. Daily push-ups, squats, sit-ups and planks. 

The future starts now!

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